Staying motivated and inspired as a creative business owner gets tough sometimes. Especially during the slower, colder months. This past winter, I rediscovered by love for encouraging other creative-preneurs (and I’ve been having some fun working with them over on Paperplanesandpeaches). One of the things to come out of almost every conversation I have with a creative business owner is the “juggle struggle”; having to try to balance many different spinning plates and give enough to each facet of business building. It’s a lot.
Each time I’m fortunate enough to pack my suitcase for a change of scenery or a chance to travel, I find I learn something more about myself and ultimately, about my creativity and building my business. Last month’s quick weekend in Paris (on our way back to South Africa), was no exception. I visited the city as a teenager with my family but this time around, in just 48 hours, the city crept solidly into my heart and editing our photos last night got me thinking.
I’m no travel photographer. In fact a couple of these were taken with my iPhone because I wanted to BE in Paris and not behind a camera, which isn’t an easy task when you’re a photographer. But that’s just the thing. Sometimes stepping back from business and out of a “normal” routine, is where the biggest lessons lie. So business besties, here’s a peek at Paris and a couple of things the city taught me about being a creative in business.
1. If you choose to look for the happy, you’ll find it.
2. Surround yourself with other creatives who will help you stand strong in your style.
3. Remember to look beyond the immediate view, the best is yet to come!

4. The outcome of your adventure depends a lot on who you do it with. Make that choice wisely!

5. It’s ALWAYS Nutella crepe o’clock

6. Pause to appreciate unexpected beauty when it crosses your path. 

7. Follow your bliss. Seek your own kind of inspiration. Choose your happy!

8. Systems and structure build things that stand strong against any storm.
9. You may need to return to the same thing, at a different time, to get clarity. Or to simply enjoy the view.

10. There are many different doors to choose from. The one you open will lead you to where you need to be. That’s enough.
11. When in doubt, eat Ladurée Macarons for breakfast.

12. Take a step back and breathe in the big picture. You’ve got this!

13. Many treasures can be found if you dare to step off the path already travelled.
14. Their creative success does not lessen yours. Often it enhances it!

What are some things you’ve learnt from stepping outside of your everyday business building? I would LOVE to hear from you in the comments below or pop me an email if you would like to work together soon! xx
Great post Chris!
Stepping away and not forcing things has defintely allowed me to find new paths! There is also something to be said for listening to your heart even when it doesn’t seem all that logical!